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Comité paralympique & sportif français

Creating and promoting the FPSC's "inclusive club" campaign to promote adapted sport to a wide audience

our support

With the Olympics in Paris 2024 just around the corner, the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (FPSC), supported by the government and the Ministry of Sports, is looking to develop the network of clubs capable of welcoming disabled sports enthusiasts into their facilities. To achieve this, the FPSC wanted to create a campaign to promote its para-sports training courses, enabling clubs to obtain the "Inclusive Club" label.
Com'Over supported the FPSC throughout the entire project, starting with the creation of the visual identity and the graphic variations, including the logo, key visual, brochure and corporate film. Once the identity was in place, we supported its promotion with a 360° communication plan in 3 phases. The aim of this project is to meet three target audiences: institutions, local authorities, federations / leagues, committees, clubs, and finally members and sports enthusiasts.


The objective of "inclusive clubs" labeled by the Paris 2024 Paralympics
Formats and variations to optimize campaign distribution